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Spoil yourself!

Go on, you know you want to!

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Spoil yourself!

Go on, you know you want to!

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Spoil yourself!

Go on, you know you want to!

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Lush Soaps & Bath Bombs in Nambour

Pamper Yourself with Calming Bath Products

Let your stress melt away and enjoy some me-time with a relaxing bath bomb.


At Nambour Heights Gifts & Christmas Shop, we craft indulgent bath bombs to suit any occasion. Our bath bombs are made at our home with carefully selected ingredients and fragranced oils that will leave your skin silky smooth and hydrated.


After a relaxing bath, why not apply one of our beautiful Bopo Women body oils for a purely indulgent experience.

Our enticing bath bomb fragrances include:

Stardust, Ocean Pearl, Holiday Sorbet, Party Punch, Angel Whispers, Marshmallow, Lavender, Tropical Oasis, Grape Bubble Gum, Honey Blossom, Lolly Patch, Chamomile & Grapefruit.

Unwind after a long day and invigorate your mind; visit our gift shop and enjoy one of our bath bombs today.


To complement our range of bath bombs, Nambour Heights Gifts & Christmas Shop carry a selection of quality soaps. We carefully select our soaps from only the most reputable suppliers, so you can rest assured all your purchases will be of the highest quality. Whether you’re after an organic, natural bar with an uplifting fragrance to start your day, or looking for a unique gift for your best friend, our range of soaps will satisfy your needs.


Our Peppermint Grove range will tempt you with their amazing fragrances.